Reimbursement Made Easy!

About Our Service

We understand the challenges of documenting and calculating ACR information. Our mission is to make that process as easy as possible so you have total confidence in your claim. We provide every tool you need and become your ACR partners, assisting you all the way to your state review.

How our system works

After an easy setup, our website allows employees to sign in, select activities from a compresensive list, and type in minutes. Data is saved immediately, data is always available, and calculations are done instantaneously. We provide numerous tools to promote consistency and accuracy in your school claim (on our Features page).

When your school is ready to be reviewed, we provide all forms and reports that are required, including the SF240, SF240B, and System of Accounts. Never be concered about an accurate review again!


Phone (888) 880-0503      Fax (330) 470-4606